I recently came across a photo which read, “A lady ordered a drink today and I checked her ID thinking she was under 30 and she was 47… asked or her secret and she said “know exactly what you deserve and accept nothing less and do not stress over anything that is not helping you improve your life.”” Since coming across this photo, I have been thinking about what is the real association between internal and external health? I mean I know it’s a mirror image of one another but when I’m on Instagram and I see all these bloggers eating whatever they want yet still have dreamy bodies and flawless & ageless skin, I sometimes wonder if some genes are so strong that they can’t be messed up. Personally, that is not the case for me, when I am not drinking water and not getting enough sleep my skin will begin to break out and my mini forehead wrinkles begin to show. However, when I am on my regular habits of clean eating and getting a good amount of rest, I find my skin glowing and my energy levels high. So clearly, there is an association for me. As a natural skincare line founder, who obviously promotes natural anti-aging products, I know that if I’m eating horribly and not sleeping or drinking enough water, no matter how many products I use, it won’t make a difference. For me, it all begins internally. These sorts of things take a while to grasp and good habits/ routines take even longer to master. But one thing I noticed, if you never stop trying you will eventually reach your goal. Whether it be losing those 15lbs or drinking 2 liters of water a day, practice makes perfect! I really find and advocate for taking care of your internal self to have the best external self. Ever since I transitioned to a healthier lifestyle through drinking more water and making sure to make my 12-vegetable soup with my lunch and dinner, I have noticed a huge upgrade in my energy and most importantly my skin is glowing. It all begins with baby steps, take the first one by upping your water and sleep routines. Even if it’s a matter of one ounce or fifteen minutes at a time. Eventually, you will get there. But begin internally and mentally in specific, to have
that external you want.
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